Tuesday, November 15, 2011

To Outfit Post or Not to Outfit Post...That is the Question.

...or, how I've been inspired by others for the third time while blogging.  Lately, I've been inundating myself with style/fashion blogs - blogs by everyday, regular ladies who want to share their daily or weekly outfits with the world.  Literally, everybody and somebody's grandmother has a "style" blog.  I started "reading" these kinds of blogs while looking for some where to submit my jewelry for a quick feature and thereby generate some sales.  These days, I've gotten to the point where I'll read blogs that the bloggers are reading.  That's how I came across Style by Santina and this outfit.
via Style by Santina
Now, I haven't been following this blog for that long, but I do enjoy this outfit - the sweater, the printed tee she's wearing underneath, the flats are crazy, and the roll in the jeans.  As one who prides herself on "originality", I filed the image in my mental file cabinet and kept it moving.  And then I got dressed - jeans, a cardigan sweater, skinny jeans with a roll, flats, and a printed tee! Dammit...I was inspired by someone else yet again :-) I've also been thinking about adding outfit posts to my blog because if Alissa of Stylish Curves can do it...oh here's my version of the outfit in question. Not exactly the same, but definitely in the spirit :-) I'm still a little meh on whether to make outfit posts a regular thing.

Please excuse the chubby, exercise-less, belly :-)
 and here's a close-up preview of the tyramade necklace I'm wearing (more on that soon).


Tyra said...

Oh, Sing, thank you?! I'm a big fan of your blog and do appreciate you stopping over :-)

Unknown said...

Very cool pictures..I love the purse & necklace!

That's My Mama said...

Im glad you stopped by my blog! Thanks for your kind comment :) Im gonna start following you today!!!! Your jewelry designs are beautiful :)

Nekiah Torres said...

I totally think you should do outfit posts. I can tell that you have great style and based on your jewelry you have a natural artistic gift! The key to a great outfit is creativity and originality....you have those qualities! Go for it girl! Kiah

Moya2bean said...

Luv the necklace! I agree with Kiah as for doing some outfit post! You look Great!


chulala said...

i love your blog i wonder y u stopped blogging.. anyhu pls do come thru and follow my fashion blog and lets support our self's arficans

Juanette said...

I say YES to oufit posts!