Monday, March 7, 2011

Late Bloomings and New Beginnings

I am a late bloomer.  Regardless of the situation, I always seem to catch on to things after everyone else has moved on to the next thing.  This blog is no exception.  Though I've been a Blogspot member since 2007 (a year or so after I opened my Etsy shop), this is my first attempt at creating a viable blog.  By now, there are too many blogs to follow at once, and most people have been at it long enough to be considered "experts" in their chosen blog category.  At any rate, here I am!  Why now?  Well, about a year ago (after suffering a few hardships) I created the inspiration board, pictured above, featuring some things that I wanted to add to my life - comfort, nature, family.  Then I folded it up and stuffed in my bookcase.  Recently, I decided to dust it off and posted it up in my "studio" area to encourage myself as I work towards growing my jewelry business in this economy.  No sooner had I done that when I saw this post What's In Your Box on Fly, a blog that I truly read every day (and if you don't yet, you should).  Andrea Pippins does a great job of sharing bits of her personal experience, bits of her work, and bits of the things she likes in a way that is authentic and heartfelt.  So, I thought, "If she can do it, then so can I."  Without further ado, here's what's in my box:

This represents wanting more comfort and certainly more space.

Dreaming of the perfect store front or studio display

What really matters to me!

A great horoscope, books, Michael Jackson, and fashion. Yeah, that's me!


Kimi said...

Being a late bloomer myself, I celebrate your putting your dreams out there for all to see, especially yourself! When we say our dreams we hear them and so does the world! This will start the energy going in the right direction and our dreams take on a life that they did not have before cramped inside our heads!

Tyra said...

Kimi, Thanks for reading and commenting (I didn't realize I had comments :-) Your words are very kind and give me even more push to keep going!